Why hire a facility management company in delhi ?

Why hire a facility management company in delhi ?

Taking care and maintaining a facility is not a light job. The work cannot be handled by a single or even a couple of individuals. When it comes to managing a commercial facility, it becomes exceptionally important to hire the best of facility management companies in Delhi NCR who are highly trained to work in the dynamics of different facilities.

Every single facility, be it a shopping mall, a medical center or a hospital, a university, or any other property with a systematic approach of working standards, it becomes essential to hire the most efficient company providing facility management services in Delhi NCR.

Our highly trained professionals at IPRA Security Solutions Pvt ltd have been educated to work under and in collaboration to the dynamics of every different facility with flexibility in adaptation of the work approach the facility follows.

To help you out through the process, here are some of the essential reasons to hire a facility management company.

Maintaining Focus

Focusing on the work and essentials is the major aspect every single employee of the company is supposed to inculcate and express out of their work.

If the company’s focus will stick to the odd jobs like keeping the hygiene intact, regular cleaning, regulating the maintenance of washrooms, taking care of the gardens of the facility etc. the growth of the company will defiantly get hampered.

Thus, to take care of these odd jobs, the company should hire a facility management company and shed off the stress to put cumulative focus on growth of the company.

Instant solutions

Every facility gets a major part of their electric supply by their own generated energy. Be it inventors or solar panels, the connection may get interpreted at times due to minor or major fault. A large or even a small facility cannot work with electricity problems even for a couple of minutes.

In the situation of a fault in electric connections, an electrician is needed on the urgent basis. A freelance electrician may take hours to reach the facility and then mend the problem. But with a facility management company, they have all the help available right at the property.

Be it a hospital, a hotel, a university or any such venue, the work is needed to be done without any delay in time.

Financial Management

A company runs basically to grow on a fine or fast pace both with the reputation and standards of their work, and financially.

When you own a facility, you also need to take care of every single aspect of the work needs to get done on every day basis or occasionally.

A facility needs cleaners, gardeners, and maintenance workers etc to keep the facility running. The company cannot hire full time staff for the same as some of these workers are only needed once in a while. This may inculcate a major amount of stamp on the finances of the company.

This is why, when it comes to the maintenance and other works, it is always better to hire a facility management company and let them do their own job in the budget who has signed on the contract with them keeping the finances in control and saving money.

Hygiene maintenance

A company may hire workers to keep the facility clean. These workers perhaps won’t be able to clean the facility thoroughly with right measures of hygiene taken in.

A facility management company does not only hire and maintain their employees working on the facility, they are also provided with the right training for maintenance of the property.

From every single window, to every tile on the floor, to every single bathroom stall is needed to be cleaned every single day to maintain the hygiene of the facility. A facility management company works to ensure complete hygiene.

Stock Inventory

A massive property or facility requires a huge number of products every single day. From cleaning detergents and liquids, to toilets papers, to sanitizers and hand washes, and a lot more.

The refilling of the products and maintaining stock inventory for the same is also done by a facility management company. It saves the management staff of the company from shopping lists and a lot of stress. 

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7 Tips for you to keep in mind when hiring a security agency in Delhi

7 Tips for you to keep in mind when hiring a security agency in Delhi

Living in a world where crimes like theft and burglary are common occurrences, it becomes crucial for people to keep their properties safe and secured. It is even more important for those of you, who are running active businesses and commercial activities, to consider ways in which you can assure the safety of your premises in a reliable way.

Under such conditions, hiring a Best security agency in delhi, with dependable professionals and services becomes priority. 

Here are 7 tips for you to consider when hiring a security agency in delhi  for your work/home:


1. Find out about the reputation of the agency you have in mind:


There are many ways of checking on the top security companies in Delhi—via. a simple google search, reading up reviews and ratings online on various platforms, even checking out their social media pages and presence.

This will help you give an idea about the kind of work the agency is currently doing.

 2. Know for sure if the agency is PSARA licensed:

All top security agencies have licenses and certification from the government.

Find out if the agency in your mind is licensed with valid service approval and insurance, so that in case of emergencies you are able to claim insurance and get suitable support.

  3. Get Info on how the agency trains and hires their security guards:

Security guards make for the deciding element in your search, as they are the key people responsible for protecting your premises.

It’s important for you to then find out how well have the security guards been trained, if they are capable of handling security violations professionally, what are their backgrounds, if they are equipped with the right security tools and protocols etc.

Answers to these questions will guide your search effectively, and you’ll know whether the guards are suited to your company’s needs!


4.Important to know whether the agency delivers 24×7 security:


Especially for commercial premises, security services need to be in place all day(s), with no exception.

The security agency should be willing to give you security guards on a 24-hour basis, even on days with public holidays, with the availability of guards on a rotational basis.

It should be comfortable in guaranteeing the presence of security personnel on Sundays, night-shifts and festival-days too, basically round-the-clock.


5. Ascertain what services the security agency provides:


By finding out about the types of security services the agency provides, you’ll also get a fair idea about your needs. Security company makes sure to deliver to you proper electronic security services and  surveillance like CCTV and other equipment which is under warranty, top and well-trained security personnel with experience.

You should also be sure to find a little about whether the agency provides arms to its guards or not. If your requirement is of armed guards, the agency should be able to take care of that.


6. Find out if the security professionals come uniformed or not:


Professional security agencies make sure their guards follow a uniformed clothing including police-like outfits, similar t-shirts etc.

Whether they are needed for watching over company compounds or for an event, it is important for security guards to look professionally dressed.

It gives an official impression to the on-lookers while also making sure that people in the surrounding are aware of the guard’s presence. 


7. Determine the cost of the security plan and if it fits your budget:


Although a cheap security plan would seem attractive at first, a good security agency providing you with the right services is worthy of the expense incurred.

That is not to say security services are expensive, but rather how you may need to spend an adequate amount to procure quality security services.

Top security agencies need not be expensive, but provide professional and reliable services in exchange of appropriate charges.

So, it is important you find out if the agency providing security guard services matches your affordability and overall security needs for the money you are spending on it. Significantly though, safety is priority—spend wisely!


In this day and age, security and protection of properties becomes a necessary exercise. A top security company should be ready to satisfy all your surveillance needs, be it night shifts, CCTV coverage or even customizing training of the security guards. With booming security agencies in the country, a huge range of protection services are provided to businesses and households now.

A great suggestion would be to go with a top security agency like IPRA Security Solutions Pvt Ltd, for they come at a great price with trust-worthy services and have been named as the best security company in Delhi.


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Why do we need security guard services during an emergency?

Why do we need security guard services during an emergency?

An emergency comes uninvited and leaves with a serious impact on us, it is your responsibility as the business owner to understand the seriousness of the consequences this can cause.

An emergency can be life threatening in the workplace like break out of a fire, an electric circuit mishap, an invasion by intruders or thieves, threats, etc.

There are a lot of emergency situations that can lead to a serious threat to the life of the employees and everyone in the property.

However, the risk is not just on the lives, but on the property as well as the sacred information preserved inside the compact safes of the workplace.

The leak or destruction of these precious assets can cause a halt in the affairs of government organisational tasks, public life, corporate offices, and even local and small scale businesses.

Security Guards as Knights

A well trained, equipped, and experienced security guard can prove to be your knight in the uniform at times of emergency and crisis. It is not an option but a necessity for an organisation to hire a security guard agency to stay in the safest place. You can rest and leave the responsibility of your security on shoulders of IPRA Security Solutions Pvt Ltd.

What role do security guards play in an emergency?

An emergency in the office place or workplace can include several situations. Naturally occurring situations can be considered under emergencies like a bomb alert, a fire breakout, a flood situation, a storm, or any events like these.

Then there can be a different category of emergencies like a scam, a theft, a conspiracy, a false fire alarm, etc. all coming out as a serious and outraging threat to the organisation. 

So what are the measure security guards take to act in such situations? Do they receive the right training to control such a situation by causing panic?

To answer it, yes they are professionally trained right and certified to handle such situations.

Related Reading – How to hire a security agency

Roles played by a security guard

To contain a situation of emergency, security guard agencies  provide the essential training to its guards.

In the training, they are educated with preparing a plan of escape or finding the culprit right away with minimal waste of time, on how to use the equipment, and how to take human resources and all the vital resources to safer territory.

The security guard or the chief is the handler of system alerts. They are trained with the instructions on the usage of the alert systems by their employer.

Guards are well trained with a quick amendment of identification, prevention, and management for restraining such events to save hampering the business with any losses.

The security guards are trained to concentrate their focus on minimising or occurrence of any disaster and mishaps to lower down any loss or destruction.

Their prime focus is settled on


Employees’ safety

Employees are the backbone of any business. It is impossible to run a business without loyal, hardworking, and work oriented employees.

Our security guards understand the importance of the safety of the employees of the business and company. This is why their prime commitment refers to the safety of the employees in any and every condition, no matter how hazardous it gets.

At times, just the presence of a security guard and worker can restrain a conspiracy or theft with the fear of authority present around.

Customer’s safety

Understanding the fact that a business is worthless without its customers, our security guards understand how preciously and extensively it is important for the business to make safety and security of their clients in every situation when they are on the campus.

The security guards are well trained and know it is of the utmost importance to get the customers to safe territories.

Safety of precious information

Every single piece of equipment is vital in an organisation and costs a hefty amount.

Other than that, an organisation is built on the blocks of sensitive information that serves as the basic ingredients of the organisation. No business can afford for this information to be leaked or the equipment to be destroyed.

Our security guards understand the importance of these pillars of your business and are well trained to save the vitals in any circumstances.

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IPRA Awarded as Best Company In Security Guarding Services For Embassies

Best Company In Security Guarding Services For Embassies

Best Company In Security Guarding Services For Embassies

IPRA Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Received the ‘Best Company In Security Guarding Services For Embassies’ award by the Honorable Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh (Ministry of Steel), His Excellency Ambassador of Eritrea & Special CP Mr. Depender Pathak. Mr. R. N. Chaudhary (Director) of the company who received the award on behalf of the Company.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. R.N. Chaudhary., Director, IPRA said, “This award is a prestigious honor for IPRA and we are grateful to the Ministry for their appreciation of IPRA’s reputation as the best security company. As a responsible corporate and industry leader in security solutions, it has been our constant endeavor to bring Indian best practices in customer relations globally.”

The award ceremony was organized as part of the event to celebrate 25 years of achievement by the Ministry of Steel, Government of India. On this occasion the Ministry decided to felicitate, “Best Company In Security Guarding Services For Embassies” for being a role model for other Employers in the State of Delhi


IPRA Awarded as Best Upcoming Security Solutions Company

Upcoming Security Solutions Company

Upcoming Security Solutions Company


IPRA Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Received the ‘Upcoming Security Solutions Company’ award by the Honorable Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan (Science and Technology Minister of India, Government of India). Mr. R. N .Chaudhary (Director) of the company who received the award on behalf of the Company.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. R. N. Chaudhary, Director, IPRA said, “This award is a prestigious honor for IPRA and we are grateful to the Ministry for their appreciation of IPRA’s reputation as an upcoming security company. As a responsible corporate and industry leader in security solutions, it has been our constant endeavor to bring Indian best practices in employee relations globally.”

The award ceremony was organized as part of the event to celebrate 13th years of achievement by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. On this occasion the Ministry decided to felicitate, “Upcoming Security Solutions Company” for being a role model for other companies in the State of Delhi.

Also Read  IPRA Awarded as Best Company for Security Guarding Services for Embassies


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